Google Tag Manager & Its Marketing Benefits

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a program which manages tags that send information to third-parties via a website or mobile app. It adds JavaScript snippets to a website with ease. GTM allows the user to decide what needs to react on what page or action and adds tracking to the site to make sure it all works. GTM works by using a tag added to a page, triggers which determine when tags are executed, and variables which are used to receive and store data to be used by triggers and tags.

Marketers can utilise GTM to have independence from an IT department or website developer.

GTM allows for:

  • Consistency- across different platforms. GTM can connect all the ‘tell the same story’ to multiple different platforms.

  • Flexibility- GTM can retarget based on page views/ clicks/ ecommerce/ scroll rate/ time/ specific behaviours. Tag manager has multiple ways to track customers and ways to track specific behaviour.  

  • Simplifications- can determine scroll rate +/- 50%, as well as 17- 45 seconds of time spent on the page.

  • Minimising errors- GTM saves itself every time you save something by finding versions and fixing any mistakes.

  • Power and control- uses permissions outlined by the user and folders which organise and protect information.

  • Future proof- GTM uses analytics to grow with your website and can give you visibility into what your consumers can see on your website.

It’s a good idea for digital marketers to get involved in GTM because it can save you time wasted in manual website tracking. A free Facebook group for marketers, online business owners, and bloggers is This group allows users to share tips and tricks about digital engagement measurement. Hotjar is another great website tool which can track website views and interaction.

When employing influencers, create a UTM code/ Ravern. Give the influencer this code. When this code is used, have a specific tag for it. This will allow you to track the code’s effectiveness and retarget it to other users like this user.

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