WorkSafe Victoria PR and Event Activation
Client Profile
The central piece of the campaign
WorkSafe Victoria is the state’s health and safety regulator, managing Victoria’s workers compensation scheme. WorkSafe plays a role in both the lives of Victorian workers and employers to ensure the mental and physical safety of all workplaces. WorkSafe’s aim is to ensure and regulate healthy and safe working practices across all Victorian businesses.
Passionfolk was approached by WorkSafe to deliver a Geelong-based public relations campaign to raise awareness of physical and mental safety in the workplace via an interactive mirrored art installation, which was live at Westfield Geelong from May 1-12, 2019.
We were tasked to raise public awareness of the mirrored ‘Reflections’ installation, as well as WorkSafe’s mental and physical health and safety message.
Jacqui and Lucy staffing the activation
Our Approach
Passionfolk began working with WorkSafe in March 2019 for the May campaign. We worked to create a hyper-local approach, working with 12 influential local business leaders to personalise and champion the message. The focus was on spreading awareness through public relations, social media and print advertising, which we also designed.
The key piece of the PR campaign was a 4-page spread in GT Magazine, featuring portraits of the 12 leaders and their workplace safety message. Working with each Geelong leader involved, Passionfolk helped to craft their workplace safety message for the GT feature and individual social media messages.
Additional local and national media coverage was attained through multiple print and digital publications, as well as radio.
Passionfolk also coordinated the staffing of the art installation in Westfield across the 14-day period using local ambassadors who encouraged passing shoppers to participate and sign the WorkSafe pledge.
Project Team
Janet, Jacqui, Darcy, Lucy, Kayley