Geelong Cup Campaign

Geelong Cup PR + Social Media

Passionfolk was delighted to manage the PR and social media for the 2016 bet365 Geelong Cup. The first stage of the campaign was strategy creation and directing a photo shoot with Cup ambassadors, Ruby and Lucy Brownless.  This generated a broad mix of content for editorial + social media purposes.

We secured a cover story in GT magazine, which kicked off local awareness. This was then followed up with two months of solid social media, digital advertising and other PR activity.

Results: Geelong Cup had around 3,000 more attendees than the previous year, with its hospitality marquees selling out. Every aspect of the campaign was quantifiable, with very favourable ROI.  We were thrilled to hear that it was noted as the best campaign delivered for a Country Racing club so far. 

Pics by Stefani Driscoll Photography, video by Thoughtbox Media. 

Geelong Racing Club Membership
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