Mt Duneed Estate
Some of the things Passionfolk has done for Mt Duneed Estate recently:
We wrote a marketing strategy, which included a thorough brand positioning, tightly-defined customer target, identification of business growth drivers and activation ideas. We ran a planning workshop with Mt Duneed Estate's owners and key employees which resulted in us developing the 'The Barrel Hall' cafe brand (with artwork designed by Ivy St). From this we briefed media and wrote a PR plan.
We wrote copy for wine labels, the website & the menu...
We directed a photo shoot for the new website & social media… (pics by hails&
We organised some PR....
GT Magazine 6/9/14
We wrote a radio script:
We wrote some print ad copy…(design by Ivy St)
And there's more to come… It's a privilege to work with Mt Duneed Estate and assist in realising its enormous potential as a lifestyle venue and creator of beverage brands.